You are here: Driver Reference > ROC Plus Driver > ROC Plus Driver Guide - Introduction to the ROC Plus Driver

Introduction to the ROC Plus Driver

This driver is a simple driver. It provides additional functionality to enable ClearSCADA to interface with specific supported devices using a particular protocol. To interact successfully with such devices, you need to:


ClearSCADA is a flexible and extensible SCADA host platform that can be used for a multitude of purposes, including gathering data from and controlling remote devices. The ClearSCADA ROC Plus Driver extends the core functionality of ClearSCADA to enable it to communicate with Emerson Remote Operations Controller (ROC) devices, using the ROC Plus Protocol. The driver enables ClearSCADA to communicate with supported Emerson ROC devices, including ROC809 and ROC827 devices.

The ClearSCADA ROC Plus driver provides a subset of the features that are available using Emerson’s custom ROC Plus Protocol, with a bias towards gathering historical data from ROC flow computers.

With the ClearSCADA ROC Plus driver, you can:

ATTENTION: The level of technical information in this guide is for users who have an advanced level of expertise with ClearSCADA, Microsoft Windows, electronic flow measurement and ROC devices.

Further Information

Supported Flow Computers.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2