You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack 50 Driver > Configuring SCADAPack 50 Server Settings

Configuring SCADAPack 50 Server Settings

When you first install the driver, you need to configure some driver-specific settings on the server by using the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool (see Configuring Advanced Driver Server Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers). This section describes the driver-specific settings.

NOTE: If you make configuration changes on a ClearSCADA server, you also need to make the same changes on any other ClearSCADA servers on your system. This is because the servers need to have matching configuration settings. The only exception to this rule is Permanent Standby servers - you only need to apply the changes to Permanent Standby servers if you have changed the PSTN Connection Types.

For this driver you need to:

  1. Define any additional PSTN Connection Types (see PSTN Connection Types in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers).
  2. Select the Allow Download All Configuration check box if you want to add an All Configuration option to the SCADAPack 50 Download Configuration pick action. The default setting is that the check box is not selected.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2