You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack 50 Driver > SCADAPack 50 Quick Start Tutorial > Create a SCADAPack 50 Test Database

Create a SCADAPack 50 Test Database

Perform this procedure after you Configure the SCADAPack 50 Device SMS Message Encoding.


Follow this procedure to create a SCADAPack 50 test database in ClearSCADA.

  1. In the Database Bar, create a SCADAPack 50 group folder called SCADAPack 50 Test (see Add a Group in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
  2. Add the following SCADAPack 50 database items to the SCADAPack 50 Test group folder (see Add a Driver Specific Item to the Database in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers). Use the naming convention shown below. For example, use the name Channel for the Channel database item.
    • Channel
    • Outstation Set
    • Outstation
    • Digital Point.

Proceed to Configure a Test SCADAPack 50 Channel.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2