You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack 50 Driver > SCADAPack 50 Specific Status Display Attributes > Diagnostic Last Config

Diagnostic Last Config

Associated with: SCADAPack 50 Outstations.

This status attribute shows the date and time (in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) that a user last changed the device configuration (see Coordinated Universal Time in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).

NOTE: This attribute indicates the latest value that the device has sent to ClearSCADA. The device transmits the data to ClearSCADA in diagnostic SMS messages.

Use this status attribute to monitor when (or if) the device received a configuration change that a user sent from ClearSCADA. The exact time when a device receives such changes can be unpredictable. This is because the GSM network may be busy or the device may be unavailable.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2