You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack 50 Driver > SCADAPack 50 Specific Status Display Attributes > Number of Outstanding SMS Requests

Number of Outstanding SMS Requests

Associated with: SCADAPack 50 Outstations.

When you send a configuration change to a SCADAPack 50 device, or initiate an action, ClearSCADA sends these in one or more SMS message requests. When the device receives the message or messages, it sends a confirmation SMS message back to ClearSCADA. This process does not necessarily take place immediately. This may be because the GSM network is busy or the device may be in Sleep mode. Therefore, there can be significant delays in sending and receiving messages even when ClearSCADA and the device are operating normally.

For more information about how ClearSCADA communicates with the SCADAPack 50 device by using SMS messages, see SCADAPack 50 and SMS Messaging.

This status attribute shows which SMS message requests are awaiting a confirmation message from the device.

The Status display shows the following information for each outstanding SMS message request:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2