You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack 50 Driver > Using SCADAPack 50 Specific Actions > Preset Configuration

Preset Configuration

Associated with: SCADAPack 50 Digital Points, SCADAPack 50 Analog Points, SCADAPack 50 Counter Points and SCADAPack 50 Outstations.

Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure.

Use this pick action to save a configuration change to the ClearSCADA database, without sending it to the device. ClearSCADA will generate a confirmation message for the change. To send a configuration change to the device, select the Download Configuration pick action.

When you make a configuration change to a ClearSCADA database item, that change becomes a proposed change. ClearSCADA does not process the change until you select either the Preset Configuration pick action or the Download Configuration pick action.

You can use the item's Status display to view the proposed configuration changes. For example, the screen illustration below shows proposed changes to the Slope and Offset fields.

For more information see SCADAPack 50 Specific Status Display Attributes.

NOTE: If you are using this pick action with the Automation Interface, you need to specify the method name PresetConfig.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2