Proposed Configuration
Associated with: SCADAPack 50 Points and SCADAPack 50 Outstations.
This status attribute shows proposed changes to the device configuration.
When you make a configuration change to a device database item in ClearSCADA, that change becomes a proposed change. You can select either the Preset Configuration pick action or the Download Configuration pick action to enact the change.
When you select the Preset Configuration pick action, ClearSCADA only enacts the configuration change locally, in the ClearSCADA database. It does not send the change to the device. When you select the Download Configuration pick action, ClearSCADA sends the change to the device.
If you select the Download Configuration option, ClearSCADA sends the configuration change to the device in one or more SMS message requests. When the device receives the message or messages, it enacts the change and sends a confirmation SMS message back to ClearSCADA. This process does not necessarily take place immediately. This is because the GSM network may be busy or the device may be unavailable. Until ClearSCADA receives the confirmation message from the device, the configuration change remains a proposed change.
If there are no proposed configuration changes, the status attribute displays the text 'No Changes'.
The status attribute has the following format:
Configuration Field <'field name'> has current value <'current field value'> but proposed to change to <'proposed field value'>.
Configuration Field 'Send Period' has current value '0' but proposed to change to '2880'.