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SCADAPack 50 Quick Start Tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you have a working knowledge of ClearSCADA. The tutorial helps you to create a working configuration of:

Once you have completed the configuration, you can then test the communication link between ClearSCADA and the device.

NOTE: The SCADAPack 50 device documentation also refers to the device as an outstation, a wireless telemetry local unit or a remote terminal unit. ClearSCADA represents the device as an outstation database item.

Before you begin, you need:

NOTE: For information about installing and commissioning the device, and connecting Kervisu to the device, see the device documentation.

NOTE:Kervisu only recognizes COM1 to COM4 as valid COM ports for the USB infrared device interface. When you connect the USB infrared device to your computer's USB port, your computer may allocate a COM port that is higher than COM4. If this is the case, you need to change the port assignment in the Windows Device Manager to a port in the range COM1 to COM4. For more information about assigning ports, see the user manual for your computer's operating system.

Follow these steps to configure the device with Kervisu:

  1. Set the SCADAPack 50 Device Clock and Configure the Device Global Parameters.
  2. Configure a Test SCADAPack 50 Device Point.
  3. Configure the SCADAPack 50 Device SMS Message Encoding.

Follow these steps to configure the ClearSCADA database items:

  1. Create a SCADAPack 50 Test Database.
  2. Configure a Test SCADAPack 50 Channel.
  3. Configure a Test SCADAPack 50 Digital Point.
  4. Configure a Test SCADAPack 50 Outstation and Outstation Set.
  5. View the Outstation Status.

Follow these steps to test your configuration:

  1. Send an SMS Test Message from a Cell Phone to ClearSCADA.
  2. Check that ClearSCADA Received Your Cell Phone Test Message.
  3. Send an SMS Test Message from the SCADAPack 50 Device.
  4. Check that ClearSCADA Received the Test SMS Message from the Device.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2