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SCADAPack 50 and SMS Messaging

ClearSCADA communicates with SCADAPack 50 devices by using the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network and Short Message Service (SMS) messages. For more information about the GSM network and SMS, see Short Message Service in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers. For information about opening and maintaining a GSM account, see Opening and Maintaining Your ClearSCADA GSM Network Account.

The illustration below shows a typical setup between ClearSCADA and a SCADAPack 50 device:


The link between ClearSCADA and a device is not permanent or direct.

The ClearSCADA master station connects to one or more GSM Hayes-compliant GSM modems by serial link. The device incorporates a GSM modem with a SIM card which provides the device with a GSM telephone number. The device sends data and diagnostic information (such as the battery voltage level) to ClearSCADA in SMS messages.

ClearSCADA uses SMS messages to send device configuration changes and to send actions, such as resetting the device clock. When the device receives an SMS message from ClearSCADA, it sends a confirmation message back in response.

The SCADAPack 50 device is suited to remote, isolated sites, as it is not dependent on a site’s power supply or infrastructure. In these locations, the GSM network may represent the only option for communication. However, you should be aware of the following:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2