Specify the Device Configuration System Options
Use the fields within the Device Configuration: System section on the SCADAPack 50 tab to set various system properties for the device.
- Key Lock—Some of the device's configuration fields are locked. This helps to prevent unauthorized actions, such as switching off the device. Enter the Key Lock that gives write access to these locked configuration fields.
- Battery Alarm Threshold—Specify a battery voltage level (in millivolts). If the voltage falls below this level, the device will alarm the device battery level.
- Power Guage—Specify the value that ClearSCADA should use to estimate the lifetime of the device's battery (for more information, see the SCADAPack 50 device documentation).
- Local Time/GMT Offset—Specify a fixed offset (plus or minus) time from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to convert UTC to local time (see Coordinated Universal Time in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
This setting determines the time that appears in text alarm messages. You may want to adjust the Local Time/GMT Offset so that it corresponds with the local time of the message recipient. Enter the offset time as a number of half-hour periods.
If you enter 9 in this field, you specify a time that is 4 hours and 30 minutes in advance of UTC.
If you enter -2 in this field, you specify a time that is 1 hour earlier than UTC.
- Wake DI Tempo—Specify the number of seconds for which a change should occur on a digital input, after which the device will log the change.
- Reception SMS Time—Specify the number of seconds that the device should wait, after it sends SMS messages, to give the GSM network time to deliver SMS messages to the device.NOTICE
Set a Reception SMS Time that is sufficient to allow the device to receive SMS messages. For example, 30 seconds. This is especially important in a roaming situation, or in areas of poor network receptionFailure to follow these instructions could critically affect the operation of the device. To restore operation, a site visit may be necessary.