You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus Driver > Introduction to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver > SCADAPack Point Addressing

SCADAPack Point Addressing

SCADAPack controllers support one of two point address ranges—5 Digit, or 6 Digit. You need to be aware of which address range each controller on your system supports. (For instance, current SCADAPack controllers use 5-Digit addressing.) Specify the supported Point Address Range on each SCADAPack Outstation Form .

Specify the individual point Address on each SCADAPack Modbus Point Form (see Configure Common Point Properties). Points on SCADAPack controllers use addresses within the 5- and 6-Digit address ranges listed below. Be aware that each type of controller has its own specific address range—refer to the controller documentation for the address range that applies to a specific type of controller.

Modbus Data Type ClearSCADA Point Type 5-Digit Address Range 6-Digit Address Range

Discrete Output

Digital Output Point, Digital Input Point

1 to 9999

000001 to 099999

Discrete Input

Digital Input Point

10001 to 19999

100001 to 199999

Input Register

Analog Input Point, Digital Input Point

30001 to 39999

300001 to 365536

Holding Register

Analog Output Point, Digital Output Point, Analog Input Point, Digital Input Point

40001 to 49999

400001 to 465536

Further Information

Modbus Function Codes Supported by the ClearSCADA SCADAPack Modbus Driver.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2