You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus Driver > Configuring Digital Points > Specify Whether to Restore the Control Value Following a Cold Reset

Specify Whether to Restore the Control Value Following a Cold Reset

This section applies to SCADAPack Modbus Digital Output Points only.

In the event of any cold reset of a controller (for example, due to power failure), a point value is lost. Use the Restore Output check box on the Control tab to define whether, in such a situation, the server restores the previous controlled value of the point, so restoring the plant to its original state.

Select the Restore Output check box for the server to restore the last controlled value should a cold reset occur.

Clear the Restore Output check box if the server is not to restore the point to its last controlled value should a cold reset occur. A point is only restored to its last controlled value once polling is resumed, or following a manual reset (using the Reset Outstation pick action) from ClearSCADA.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2