You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus Driver > Configuring a SCADAPack Controller > Specify the Firmware Type

Specify the Firmware Type

Use the Firmware Type field on the SCADAPack tab to specify the type of firmware used in a SCADAPack controller. Specify TelePACE, or ISaGRAF, as applicable.

With newer SCADAPack controllers, ClearSCADA is able to ascertain the firmware type when it first contacts the controller—you can then view the Firmware Type in the Status display for the controller (see SCADAPack Modbus Specific Status Display Attributes). In such cases, you can leave the Firmware Type property on the Outstation Form at the default.

For older SCADAPack controllers, ensure that you specify the actual Firmware Type that the controller uses.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2