You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Driver > RealFLO Specific Status Display Attributes > Abort Orifice Plate Change

Abort Orifice Plate Change

Associated with: Flow Runs that perform AGA-3 Flow Calculations and have a Dual Chamber Orifice

This attribute indicates whether the last attempt to change or inspect the orifice plate was aborted due to a timeout in the driver.

When a dual chamber orifice plate is about to be changed or inspected, the Start Orifice Plate Change pick action is used to force the Flow Run’s calculations to use estimated input values. The pick action is also used to specify the time period within which the orifice plate change or inspection have to be completed. If neither the Orifice Plate Change or Abort Orifice Plate Change pick actions are executed by the time that this timeout elapses, the driver raises an alarm and sets the Abort Orifice Plate Change status attribute to an alarm state.

Possible States: Displays one of the Standard Alarm States.

If this status attribute displays an alarm state, use the Events or Alarms List to ascertain further details about the aborted orifice plate change or inspection.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2