You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Driver > Using RealFLO Specific Actions > Alarm Log Demand Poll

Alarm Log Demand Poll

Associated with: SCADAPack Modbus Flow Runs

Security permission required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data

Use this pick action to request the driver to perform an Alarm Log Demand Poll on a controller for the alarms that are associated with a particular Flow Run.

  1. Select the Alarm Log Demand Poll pick action to display the Alarm Log Demand Poll window.
  2. Use the window’s Range field to specify which alarms to retrieve:

    • New—Retrieve only those alarms that have been raised since the last Alarm Log Demand Poll.
    • All—Retrieve all of the Flow Run’s alarms from the controller’s alarm log.

      ATTENTION: Retrieving of All of a Flow Run’s alarms may result in duplicate entries being logged in ClearSCADA’s Event Journal.

  3. Select the OK button to confirm the request and retrieve the specified alarms.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2