Batch Record Demand Poll
Associated with: SCADAPack Modbus Flow Runs
Security permission required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data
ClearSCADA automatically polls a controller for a Flow Run’s batch historic data.
The Batch Records Demand Poll pick action allows a Flow Run’s batch historic data to be retrieved.
- Select the pick action to display the Batch Records Demand Poll window.
- Use the window’s Range field to specify the range of historic data that the driver is to retrieve:
- Most Recent—The driver retrieves any batch history data that the Flow Run has generated at the controller, since the last batch of history data that is recorded for that Flow Run in ClearSCADA .
- All—The driver retrieves all of the Flow Run’s batch historic data.
ATTENTION: Use this option with care. Specifying that ClearSCADA is to retrieve All of a Flow Run’s Batch Records data could have an adverse affect on system performance, while ClearSCADA retrieves and processes large amounts of historic data.
- Select the OK button to confirm the request and retrieve the specified alarms.