Configure or Read the Flow Run Configuration
There are two ways to configure a Flow Run on a ClearSCADA system.
- You can configure a Flow Run directly in ClearSCADA. ClearSCADA’s SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run Forms contain the fields that you need to use in order to fully configure a Flow Run in the ClearSCADA database. Once the configuration is complete, the driver allows you to write that configuration to the Flow Computer (the SCADAPack controller that is running RealFLO), in order to produce a fully functioning Flow Run. Use the Write Configuration pick action to write the Flow Run’s configuration to the Flow Computer.
- You can configure a Flow Run using a PC that is running a supported version of the RealFLO application. The driver can then read the Flow Run configuration into the ClearSCADA database, using the Read Configuration pick action. If you choose to read the configuration in this way, use the properties within the Scanning section of the Flow Run Form’s Flow Run tab (see Configure the Scanning Properties) to define the frequency at which that configuration is updated in the ClearSCADA database.
If the Flow Run is in an Instance of a Group Template, also ensure that the appropriate Property Overrides are enabled to allow the configuration to be read successfully (for more information, see Read Configuration).
A read might occur while a Flow Run’s configuration Form is open. Should this happen and an attempt is made to save any user-instigated configuration changes to that Flow Run after the read is complete, a diagnostic message will be displayed. The message will indicate that the Flow Run’s configuration has changed on the server since the Form was opened. Options are provided to discard the user-instigated changes or overwrite the server’s Flow Run configuration with those changes.