You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Driver > Configuring a SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run > Configure the Scanning Properties

Configure the Scanning Properties

The ClearSCADA SCADAPack Modbus driver scans the RealFLO components of a controller on server, controller, or driver start-up, and whenever a new Flow Run is added to the system. Thereafter, the driver scans the controller’s RealFLO components for Flow Run data at the frequency specified in the Scanning section of the Flow Run tab.

For each of the separate scans listed, you specify an Interval and an Offset.

You use the Interval field to specify how often ClearSCADA scans the controller for Flow Run data. You use the Offset field to specify the synchronization offset—the amount of time that occurs before ClearSCADA first scans the controller for Flow Run data. Specify the Interval in the OPC Time Format, and the Offset in the OPC Relative Time Format.


The Hourly History Scan for a particular Flow Run has this configuration:

Offset:H + 5M

This results in ClearSCADA scanning the controller for the Flow Run’s hourly historic data logs at five minutes past the start of the hour, and at one-hourly intervals thereafter.

Further Information

For more detailed information on these properties, see the documentation provided with the RealFLO application.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2