You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Driver > SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Driver Guide - Configuring a SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run

Configuring a SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run

NOTE: You only need to create and configure a SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run if ClearSCADA is to monitor flow calculation data on a SCADAPack controller (see Configure ClearSCADA to Monitor RealFLO Calculation Data).

The SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO driver allows you to configure three types of Flow Run:

For each type of Flow Run the driver can read a Flow Run’s calculation parameters into ClearSCADA, from a SCADAPack controller that is running RealFLO, Alternatively. you can fully configure a Flow Run directly in the ClearSCADA database and then write that configuration to the SCADAPack controller (see Configure or Read the Flow Run Configuration). You can then use ClearSCADA to monitor and process the flow run’s data remotely.

You need to add one Flow Run item to the ClearSCADA database for each separate flow run that ClearSCADA is to monitor. Each Flow Computer can support between 1 and 10 flow runs—the number of actual flow runs that a controller can use is limited by RealFLO license and the type of hardware that is being used to run the Flow Computer. For example, the hardware for a controller might support a maximum of 10 Flow Runs, but the license might support only four Flow Runs. (When RealFLO is enabled on a SCADAPack controller, the controller converts into a fully functioning flow computer.)

You can configure the properties of each Flow Run in ClearSCADA, using the relevant SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run Form. The amount of configuration varies, depending whether you are configuring a Flow Run fully in ClearSCADA, or reading most of the configuration from a RealFLO controller (see Preparation and Minimum Configuration).

To enable operators to view a Flow Run’s values, you can attach and display those values in a Mimic. To process an item of Flow Run data independently in ClearSCADA, you can add and configure a SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Analog Input point. For more information, see View and Process Flow Run Data.

Each type of SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run Form has several tabs that allow you to configure the flow run.

All three types have a common Flow Run tab to:

The Gas Flow Run type has two additional tabs:

The Liquid and Water Flow Run types have a common Meter Input tab to:

The Liquid Flow Run type has a Liquid tab to:

The Water Flow Run type has a Water tab to:

For information on the fields on other tabs, see Tabs that are Common to Many Configuration Forms in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers. For flow run information that is not covered by this guide, refer to the documentation supplied with the RealFLO application.

Further Information

Measurement Units

ClearSCADA 2015 R2