General AGA-8 Calculation Properties
These fields are displayed at the top of the Compressibility Calculation tab if a Flow Run performs AGA-8 compressibility calculations.
You can configure these properties directly in ClearSCADA, or read the configuration into the ClearSCADA database (see Configure or Read the Flow Run Configuration).
- Composition Units—Define the various components that combine to form the gas as a percentage of the overall composition (0 to 100%), or as a fraction of the gas that is being measured (0 to 1.0000).
The field indicates either Percent or Mole Fraction. The unit applies to the AGA-8 Gas Composition Properties and AGA-8 Hexane Properties that are displayed on the Compressibility Calculation tab.
- Configuration Events—Specify whether the Gas Flow Computer logs an event whenever the AGA-8 configuration changes (Log Changes), or does not log an event whenever the AGA-8 configuration changes (Ignore).
The ClearSCADA SCADAPack Modbus driver scans a Flow Run’s Event Log at the frequency specified in the Scanning section of the Flow Run tab (see Configure the Scanning Properties). The server then processes the events in accordance with the Flow Run tab’s Event Severity setting.
Further Information
For more detailed information on these properties, see the documentation provided with the RealFLO application.