Read Configuration
Associated with: SCADAPack Modbus Flow Runs
Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure
When a Flow Run is added to the ClearSCADA database, basic settings, such as the controller with which the Flow Run is associated, have to be specified on the Flow Run Form (see Preparation and Minimum Configuration). You can then either specify the rest of a Flow Run’s configuration in ClearSCADA , or have the driver read (‘upload’) the majority of an existing Flow Run’s configuration from the controller into ClearSCADA(see Configure or Read the Flow Run Configuration).
In order to read the configuration from an existing Flow Run into ClearSCADA :
- The controller on which the Flow Run is located has to be a Flow Computer that is running a supported version of RealFLO™
- If the Flow Run is in an Instance of a Group Template, ensure that the appropriate Property Overrides are enabled to allow the configuration to be read into ClearSCADA successfully (see Define which Property Values Derive from a Group Template in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration). Flow Run properties that have to have their property overrides enabled in the Group Template comprise:
- Each of the properties on the Compressibility Calculation tab
- Each of the properties on the Flow Calculation tab
- The properties within these sections of the Flow Run tab:
- Inputs
- Static Pressure
- Temperature
- Contract.
The property overrides for each of the above properties are enabled by default. Should an attempt be made to Read Configuration while one of more of the above properties does not have its property overrides enabled, the request for that Flow Run will be unsuccessful. Should this occur, ClearSCADA will log a separate message in the Event Journal for each of the Flow Run’s tabs on which the necessary property overrides are not enabled. Each message will list those properties for which the property override still needs enabling in order for ClearSCADA to read the configuration successfully.
If you specify that ClearSCADA is to read the majority of a Flow Run’s configuration from a controller, ClearSCADA will automatically scan the RealFLO controller for Flow Run configuration, at the frequency specified in the Scanning section of the Flow Run Form (see Configure the Scanning Properties). This Flow Run Configuration Scan is a ‘fall back’ measure, to confirm that a Flow Run’s configuration data remains up to date in the ClearSCADA database. Should a read occur while a Flow Run’s configuration Form is open and an attempt be made to save any user-instigated configuration changes to that Flow Run after the read is complete, a diagnostic message will be displayed. The message will indicate that the Flow Run’s configuration has changed on the server since the Form was opened. Options are provided to discard the user-instigated changes or overwrite the server’s Flow Run configuration with those changes.
If changes are made to such a Flow Run’s configuration and the next scheduled Flow Run Configuration Scan is not imminent, use the Read Configuration pick action to read that configuration into ClearSCADA .