Scanning RealFLO Points on SCADAPack Modbus Controllers
Use this section in conjunction with the scanning section in the SCADAPack Modbus driver guide (see Scanning Direct Controllers on the SCADAPack Modbus Driver in the ClearSCADA Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver).
You configure different types of point in ClearSCADA, depending on the type of data that you want the SCADAPack Modbus driver to retrieve. To monitor RealFLO Calculation data on a Flow Run in a RealFLO controller (a SCADAPack controller that is running RealFLO), you need to configure RealFLO Analog Input points. To monitor any other data on a RealFLO controller, you configure suitable ‘standard’ analog or digital points (see Points Used on SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Controllers).
The way in which ClearSCADA retrieves data from the points on each controller varies, depending on whether those points are ‘standard’ points (see Standard Points in the ClearSCADA Guide to the Advanced Modbus Driver) or RealFLO Points (see below).
To monitor RealFLO Calculation data on a Flow Run in a RealFLO controller, in the ClearSCADA database you attach RealFLO Analog Input point(s) to a Flow Run, then attach that Flow Run to a RealFLO Outstation (see Configure ClearSCADA to Monitor RealFLO Calculation Data).
Unlike ‘standard’ points on the SCADAPack Modbus driver, RealFLO Analog Input points are not scanned independently of each other. Instead, the RealFLO Analog Input points on a particular Flow Run are scanned in one block—at the rate defined by that Flow Run’s scanning intervals (see Configure the Scanning Properties). The fields within the Scanning section of the Flow Run Form specify both the frequency with which ClearSCADA retrieves Flow Run data and how often ClearSCADA scans the controller for RealFLO Analog Point data. (Should you choose to configure a Flow Run on a PC that is running the RealFLO application, you also use the fields to determine the frequency with which ClearSCADA updates its copy of that configuration.)
Depending on the type of data that each RealFLO point monitors, ClearSCADA retrieves the point’s data at the Flow Run’s Current Scan, Hourly History Scan, or Daily History Scan interval (see Specify the Item of Flow Run Data that a RealFLO Analog Represents).
Additionally, you can assign a Scan Group to each RealFLO point that is used to retrieve current data, to provide confidence that the point’s data is still up-to-date, even if the Flow Run data has not changed for some time (see Configure Common Point Properties in the ClearSCADA Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver). On a RealFLO Analog Input point, the Scan Group interval should typically be a multiple of the relevant Flow Run’s Current Scan interval. (If the selected Scan Group’s interval is faster than the Current Scan interval, the point will only update at the Current Scan interval—the driver will not schedule extra polls if the Scan Group’s rate is faster.)
Use the Logged Data section of the Point Form to specify whether ClearSCADA is to retrieve DLOG (logged) data for a RealFLO point, in addition to current data (see Log Point Data on SCADAPack Controllers in the ClearSCADA Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver). Use the Scan Rate field, within the DLOG section of the RealFLO Controller’s Outstation Form, to specify the frequency with which the driver retrieves any logged data (see Define Whether Logged Data Records are Scanned in the ClearSCADA Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver).