You are here: Driver Reference > SCADAPack Modbus RealFLO Driver > Using RealFLO Specific Actions > Write Configuration

Write Configuration

Associated with: SCADAPack Modbus Flow Runs

Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure

When a Flow Run is added to the ClearSCADA database, basic settings, such as the controller with which the Flow Run is associated, have to be specified on the Flow Run Form (see Preparation and Minimum Configuration). You can then either specify the rest of a Flow Run’s configuration in ClearSCADA , or have the driver read the majority of an existing Flow Run’s configuration from the controller into ClearSCADA(see Configure or Read the Flow Run Configuration).

If you specify the rest of a Flow Run’s configuration in ClearSCADA , you need to write that configuration to the relevant RealFLO controller. In order to do this successfully, ensure that the Flow Run(s) have valid, saved configuration and are In Service (if they are to function online)—for more information, see Mandatory Configuration and Invalid Configuration Messages in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration. Then use the Write Configuration pick action to write (‘download’) that configuration to the RealFLO controller on which the Flow Run is located.

Further Information

see Read Configuration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2