Associated with: SE Rod Pump controllers and SE RPC points
The Source attribute is common to many Status displays. The attribute indicates the location at which an item resides. The information shown varies, depending on the type of item.
For SE Rod Pump controllers, the attribute displays information in this format:
Set <Set Address>:OS <Controller Address>
Set 2:OS 5
(For a controller with an address of 5, in the set that has an address of 2.)
For SE RPC points, the attribute displays information in this format:
Set <Set Address>:OS <Controller Address>:<Point Type> Type <Value Type>
where the <Point Type> is either AI (for analog input), or DI (for digital input).
Set 2:OS 5:AI Type Daily Run Time
(For an SE RPC Analog Input point that is configured to store a rod pump’s daily run time data. The point is associated with the controller that has an address of 5, which is in the set that has an address of 2.)