You are here: Driver Reference > SNMP Driver > SNMP Driver Guide - Create an SNMP Device

Create an SNMP Device

The SNMP driver allows you to create an SNMP Device that can be used to represent a physical device, such as a printer. It allows you to link together all SNMP points used with a device through a single database item. You need to create an SNMP Device prior to creating the SNMP points associated with it.

You configure each device using fields on the Device Form.

The Form has several tabs. For information on configuring properties on the Device tab, please see the topics below:

You need to configure a point separately. Within the point configuration, you define how that data is handled and presented within ClearSCADA (see Configuring Points on the SNMP Driver).

An SNMP Device is designed to work with all of the following SNMP Point types:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2