Define the Start up Delay
A Start up delay is required when monitoring SNMP values locally at the server (for example, disk space, or power supply). In such cases, a delay should be specified to allow the SNMP agents to start up before the driver polls them for data.
In the SNMP Manager section of the tool, enter the required Delay, in seconds, to allow any local SNMP agents to initialize, before the SNMP driver attempts to poll them for data.
You need to define a delay that is less than the Driver Start/Stop Timeout that is specified on the Drivers section of the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool (see Driver Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).
NOTE: If the Start Up Delay is longer than the Start/Stop Timeout, this will cause the driver to keep stopping and then re-starting (as the server will time the driver out before it even starts).