You are here: Driver Reference > SNMP Driver > SNMP Specific Status Display Attributes > Source


Associated with: SNMP points

The Source attribute is common to many Status displays. The attribute indicates the location at which the item resides. The information shown varies, depending on the item.

The Source attribute displays the value Undefined if the item’s configuration is incomplete, in so far as the device with which the item is associated has not yet been specified.

For points on the SNMP driver, the Source attribute displays information in this format:

<Device Address>:<Community Name>:<Object Identifier (if used)>:<Point Type>


for a Cardinal point that is obtaining data from the SNMP agent that has an IP address of, which is in the public community. The Object Identifier for the point is .

for an Integer point that is obtaining data from the SNMP agent that has an IP address of, which is in the public community. As the driver is trapping generic data for this point, the point does not have an Object Identifier.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2