You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Scripting > App.OpenWindow


The OpenWindow application function sets the script to open another display when executed. For example, you could create a script that, when executed, causes an object property Form, Mimic, etc. to be displayed in a new window.


App.OpenWindow (URL)


The OpenWindow application function opens another window, such as a an object property Form, Mimic, etc., when executed.

If the current window is maximized, the new window will also be maximized. If the current window is not maximized, the new window will be opened at the same size but with a position offset down and to the right of the calling window.


URL {string}

The URL of the display that is opened. The target display can be a Mimic, Trend, Report, Form or any other type of display.

For Mimic scripts, the URL has to use the ClearSCADA address format:

SCX:////<Class>/<Database Item>.

For Alarm Banner scripts, the URL has to use the ClearSCADA address format:

SCX:////<System Name>/<Class>/<Database Item>

This is because the Alarm Banner is not associated with a system, and so any hyperlinks have to specify the system that contains the display that is to be shown in a new window.



Example: 1

This example displays a Mimic:

App.OpenWindow ("SCX:////CMimic/.System Overview")


  • App. is the object being referenced
  • OpenWindow is the name of the application function being used
  • ("SCX:////CMimic/.System Overview") is the URL of a display, in this case, the 'System Overview' Mimic.

Example: 2

This example displays a Form for an internal analog point named 'AI1':

App.OpenWindow ("SCX:////CPointAlgManual/.AI1")

See also:







ClearSCADA 2015 R2