You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Scripting > Run an Alarm Banner Script in ViewX

Run an Alarm Banner Script in ViewX

An Alarm Banner script only runs as a result of the associated Alarm Banner context-sensitive menu option being selected. For example, if you create a script that adds a 'Send Alarm Data’ option to the Alarm Banner’s context-sensitive menu, the Alarm Banner script will only run when that option is selected. If your script adds multiple options to the Alarm Banner in ViewX, you have to also define what happens when each option is selected in your script.

When you select an alarm from the Alarm Banner in ViewX, a context-sensitive menu is displayed. If you have created an Alarm Banner script, the BuildAlarmMenu function is called. Any additional menu items that are defined in your script after the BuildAlarmMenu function are automatically added to the context-sensitive menu.

When you select one of the additional Alarm Banner options that you have created in your script, the script runs and the resulting action that you have coded occurs.

When a script is running, a script icon will appear on the status bar.

Further Information

Common Uses for Alarm Banner Scripts.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2