The Alarm.SelectedAlarms and Alarm.Alarms properties both return an alarm collection. The alarms in the alarm collection have a Server property that returns a Server object. In your script, you can access the Server object and its Server Functions and Server Properties.
Syntax |
Server |
Description |
Represents the server on which the returned alarm has been raised. |
Arguments |
None. |
Returns |
Server. |
In this example, the script writes the values 123 and 456 into a data table’s Column A and Column B respectively. To achieve this, the script uses the Query property of the alarm collection’s Server property.
- Dim sQuery
- Set sQuery = Alarm.Server.Query("INSERT INTO DataTableName(ColumnA, ColumnB) VALUES ('123', '456')")
- If sQuery.Error Then
- MsgBox "Error inserting: " & sQuery.ErrorMessage
- End If
DataTableName is the name of a variable that is defined elsewhere in the script. It represents a Data Table that is stored on the server that is represented by the server property.