You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Scripting > ServerObject.FullName


The ServerObject.FullName property returns the FullName value for the database item that is referenced in the script by the ServerObject. The FullName value consists of the full path of the item.




References the complete path name for the item that is referenced by the ServerObject.




FullName {string}

The FullName value is a reference to the item that is referenced by the ServerObject and consists of the complete path name of the address.

The FullName property works in the same way as the ServerObject.Name property, except that it returns the full path of the item, not just its name.


The following script searches for a database item named 'Tank Level' in a Group named 'Tanks' and then displays its FullName property value in a message box:

  • Set objTanksGroup = Server.FindObject("Tanks")
  • Set objTankLevel = objTanksGroup.FindChild("Tank Level")
  • MsgBox "Tank Level FullName = " &objTankLevel.FullName


  • objTanksGroup is the variable that stores the ServerObject that is returned by the FindObject function.
  • Server.FindObject("Tanks") instructs the script to search for an item named 'Tanks'. In this case, the item is a Group.
  • objTankLevel is the name of the variable that stores the ServerObject that is returned by the FindChild function.
  • objTanksGroup.FindChild("Tank Level") instructs the script to search for an item named 'Tank Level' in the Group that is referenced by the objTanksGroup ServerObject (in this case, in the 'Tanks' Group).
  • MsgBox "Tank Level FullName = " &objTankLevel.FullName instructs the script to display a message box that contains the message 'Tank Level FullName = x' where x is the FullName property value of the ServerObject that is stored in the objTankLevel variable. In this case, the ServerObject represents the 'Tank Level' point and so the message box displays the FullName value of the 'Tank Level' point.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2