You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Scripting > Welcome to the Scripting Guide

Welcome to the Scripting Guide

For many users, ClearSCADA already includes the user-friendly features and interfaces needed they need to fulfill their roles successfully. However, in some circumstances, you may need additional functionality that is not currently provided. To accommodate this, we have included a script feature that you can use to add functionality via Mimics and the Alarm Banner.

The script feature allows you to create client-side scripts (using one of the supported languages) to provide the extra functionality you need. For example, you can use Mimic scripts to provide navigation features, display dialog boxes, create Forms and to issue multiple controls via a single pick action.

In the ClearSCADA Guide to Scripting, you will find information on how to access the Script Editors and save and run scripts. We also provide information on the various ClearSCADA-specific objects, functions and properties that you can use in your Alarm Banner and Mimic scripts.

NOTE: To create Mimic and Alarm Banner scripts, you will need a thorough understanding of the language in which a script is written. While we do provide some script examples that use VBScript™, it is beyond the scope of this documentation to deliver detailed information on VBScript or other supported languages.

To learn more about Mimic and Alarm Banner scripts, please refer to the following sections:

We also provide details about the ClearSCADA-specific script objects, functions and properties that you can use in your scripts, including:

Further Information

For information on how to select the language used for a script, see:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2