You are here: System Administration > Security > Allocating Security Permissions > Allocating Permissions to a User Group or User Account

Allocating Permissions to a User Group or User Account

To control access to an item's features and data, you need to allocate permissions to the various User Groups and user accounts on your system. You can allocate permissions via the Security window.

To allocate permissions to a User Group or user account:

  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).
  2. In the Database bar, right-click on the database item for which you want to define the security settings. The permissions you allocate to the User Group or user account will define which features for the selected database item are available for the user or User Group.
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  3. Select the Edit Security option to display the Security window.

    On a new system, the Security window has Everyone and Guest as the only User accounts and User Groups in the list. The Guest user has Full access permissions (as you need to be able to configure new User accounts, and so on). The Everyone user group is restricted so that it only has the View, Browse and View Alarms permissions.

    If the user account or User Group for which you want to allocate permissions is already listed on the Security window, proceed to step 7.

    If the user account or User Group is not listed on the Security window, proceed to step 4.

  4. Select the Add button to display the Add Permission window.

  5. Select the User Group that you want to add to the list on the Security window. If you want to add an individual user account to the list rather than a User Group, select the Display Users check box, then select the appropriate user account.

    When you display the Add Permission window, the Guest user and WebX user are listed automatically. These are the built-in accounts. The Guest user is for ViewX users and Third Party applications that access the database without logging on. The WebX user is for users who access the database from WebX without logging on.

  6. Select the OK button to confirm your choice and close the Add Permission window.
    The selected User Group or user account is added to the list on the Security window.
  7. Select the User Group or user account for which you want to configure the security permissions from the list on the Security window.
    The Permissions check boxes indicate which permissions are currently in place for the selected User Group or user account.
  8. Define the permissions settings (see Permissions for Database Items):
    • Select the check boxes for the permissions that you want to allocate to the User Group or user account.
    • Clear the check boxes for those permissions that you do not want to be allocated to the User Group or user account.

    NOTE: The permissions shown in the Security window vary, according to whether any permissions have been denied.

  9. Repeat this procedure for each user account or User Group as required.
  10. Select the OK button on the Security window to confirm your selections.

NOTE: When you change permissions, certain menu options will remain visible to users even if they do not have the permissions to use them. If the users attempt to use such options, an Access Denied message box is displayed. If the users log off and then log on again, those options to which they do not have access will no longer be displayed.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2