Built-In User Accounts
ClearSCADA provides you with two built-in user accounts:
- Guest—The Guest user account is the default user account for access via ViewX, OPC, ODBC, and Automation.
If you use the system without logging on via a ‘configured’ user account, ClearSCADA logs you on automatically via the built-in Guest user account. The Guest user account is an ‘unauthenticated’ account and does not require a password; it is a built-in user account that has no corresponding User database item.
The features that you can access via the Guest account are restricted by permissions. When you first install ClearSCADA, the Guest user account has no access permissions.
You need to log on using the Super User Account if you wish to initially modify the Guest user account and one or more administrative accounts. The security settings for each item in the database will define which of that item's features are available to the Guest user. In ViewX, the configuration of the Guest user account can apply further restrictions (see Configuring the Guest User Account).
NOTES: Third Party applications that do not support client security will have to access ClearSCADA using the Guest account. You will need to grant the required permissions to the Guest account for the third party applications. However, be aware that any non-logged on user will also have the same access to the database.
When a user accesses ClearSCADA via the Guest user, they also have the permissions that have been allocated to the built-in ‘Everyone’ User Group (see Built-In User Groups).
If you use the USERNAME() expression function, it will return GUEST if the current user is not currently logged on. This is true irrespective of whether the client is ViewX or WebX.
- Web—The Web user account is the default user account for access via the Original WebX Internet based interface.
NOTE: WebX requires you to log on using a valid user account, you cannot use the Guest or Web account with WebX.