You are here: System Administration > Security > Recommended Security Settings > Configure User Accounts Appropriately

Configure User Accounts Appropriately

ClearSCADA's security feature can act as an effective security tool, helping to protect your system from being accessed by unauthorized users. But its effectiveness is dependent on the appropriate configuration of user accounts.

To access your system via a user account, a user needs to know the user name and password allocated to that user account. But the protection offered by user accounts does not end there - a user account can be denied access to items and features by its own configuration and the security settings of each database item (in addition to the system-wide security settings made at the server).

For more effective security, you should configure the settings for each user account. Ideally, you should configure a user account so that it only allows the user of that account to access the features and items they need to perform their expected duties. For security purposes, the settings you should pay particular attention to are:

By configuring each user account so that it only has access to the features and items that are relevant to the user of that account, you help to protect your system from:

Further Information

User Accounts.

User Groups.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2