Define the Time Range for a User's Events List
When a user accesses an Events List, the List only includes those events that have been logged during a specific time range. This time range can be adjusted on a per-user basis via the User Form.
To use the User Form to adjust the default time range for that user's Events List displays:
- Display the User Form
- Select the General tab.
- Use the Event List Range fields to define the time range for the Events List. When the user that logs on via this account accesses an Events List, the Events List will initially include those events that were logged within the range defined in the Event List Range fields.
Enter the time range using the OPC relative time format, for example, H-24H to start the range at 24 hours prior to the start of the current hour. Alternatively, you can use the browse buttons to access the Offset window which allows you to construct the time entry (see Using OPC Time Formats in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
Further Information