Security Settings at the Server
ClearSCADA has a Server Configuration Tool and a Server Status Tool that you can use to setup and monitor your system servers. You use the Server Configuration Tool to define the default security settings that apply to your system. When you have defined the required security settings in the Server Configuration Tool, you can proceed to configure the User accounts and User Groups and apply the permissions that form the basis of ClearSCADAsecurity.
To configure the server Security settings, we recommend that you follow these steps:
- Refer to our Recommended Security Settings.
- Use the Server Configuration Tool to define the default security settings see Setting up System Security. The Server Configuration Tool has its own security settings to help prevent unauthorized access.
- Use the Server Configuration Tool to define Security settings for WebX clients, see Original WebX Security Settings, Connection Settings and Preferences
- Use a ViewX client to set up:
- User Accounts
- User Groups
You will also need to use ViewX for Allocating Security Permissions.
- If you intend to use ClearSCADA's Exclusive Control feature, refer to Exclusive Control. With Exclusive Control enabled, a user can take control of a database item or group of database item. When an item is under exclusive control, other users have limited (or no) access to the item’s features, depending on how exclusive control has been set up. This is an extremely useful feature during maintenance, when an engineer may need to raise alarms intentionally, but hide them from other users.
When you have configured the server, ViewX and WebX security features as recommended, your system will have a level of protection against unauthorized access.