You are here: System Administration > Security > Recommended Security Settings > Use Server Side Permission Restrictions

Use Server Side Permission Restrictions

You can use the Server Configuration Tool to deny access to certain features from:

By restricting access to permissions on a system-wide basis in this way, you can make your system more secure by limiting which features are available to clients. For example, you may decide that you want your operator level users to be able to issue a control when they log on via ViewX, but not when they log on via WebX. To enforce this, you would select the Control check box in the ViewX user denied permissions settings and clear the Control check box in the WebX user denied permissions settings.

To use the server side permission restrictions effectively, you need to consider the working procedures for your operators, engineers and administrators. Taking into account their expected duties, you can restrict their access so that when they log on they can only use the features they need.

By default, there are no permissions restricted at the server. For improved security, we recommend that you restrict the permissions in accordance with your operational requirements.

For more information on configuring the server side permission restrictions, see Use Server Side Permission Restrictions.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2