User Accounts
User accounts are a key part of the ClearSCADA system security mechanism. They allow individual users to be allocated a configurable identity that can provide/restrict access to system features.
In the following sections, we explain the concept of user accounts and describe how to set up user accounts on your system:
- Overview of User Account Security
- Configure User Accounts Appropriately
- Guest User Account
- Web User Account
- User Accounts for System Users
- User Accounts for Third Party Applications
- Permissions for Working with User Accounts and User Groups
- Creating a User Account
- Allocating Security Permissions
- Configuring the Guest User Account.
You can also modify, move, rename or delete a User in the same way as you can alter or remove any other database item. For more information, see Organizing and Configuring Your Database in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration.
NOTE: You can create, modify, copy, move, rename, import or delete a user account. To do this, you have to be logged on via a user account that has the Configure and Security permission for the user account or the Group that contains the user account (see Permissions for Working with User Accounts and User Groups).
Further Information
Allocating Permissions to a User Group or User Account