You are here: System Administration > Security > User Groups > View the Members of a User Group

View the Members of a User Group

It can be useful to find out which user accounts are associated with the User Groups on your system. This is especially true on large systems that have many User Groups. Once you know which user accounts are associated with the various User Groups, you can determine what effect any changes to the User Groups might have on your system.

A user account that is associated with a User Group is referred to as a ‘member’ of that User Group. For example, if a user account named 'L King' is associated with a User Group named 'Control St.4', ‘L King’ is a member of ‘Control St.4’. Each user account can be associated with one or more User Groups.

You can view a list of a User Group’s members by selecting the Display Users action. This action is available from the context sensitive menu for User Groups (you can only access it if you have the Read permission).

When you select the Display Users action, the Users List is displayed with a filter already in place. The filter restricts the Users List so that it only shows those Users that are associated with the User Group you chose (the Users have the User Group defined in their User Groups configuration settings).

To view a list of a User Group’s members:

  1. Log on to ViewX or WebX via a user account that has the Read permission for the User Group in which you are interested.
  2. Access the pick action menu for the User Group (see Display the Object Menu in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).
  3. From the pick action menu, select Display Users.
    The Users List is displayed. It is filtered automatically so that it only includes those Users that have the selected User Group in their User Groups settings.

There are alternative ways of viewing the members of a User Group, for example, you could filter the Users List manually, view the User Group settings on each User Form, or use the Display References action. But the easiest and quickest way of accessing the User Group members information is to use a User Group’s Display Users action.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2