Add a Hyperlink to the Pick Action Menu of a Link Field’s Target Item
An extra link field allows one database item to be associated with another database item. For example, if you add a link field to a Point Form, the field can be used to associate the point with another point or another type of database item. The item that contains the link field on its Form is referred to as the source item and the item that is selected in the link field is referred to as the target item.
By using the Pick Menu Prompt setting, you can add an extra option to the pick action menu of the source item. So, if you added a link field to the Point Form, the pick action menu for points would contain an extra option. The option that you create with the Pick Menu prompt acts as a hyperlink to the target item’s default display.
To add or modify the extra pick action option for a link field, you need to use the Edit Field window. To access the Edit Field window, see Add a New Extra Field. You can also use the Edit Field window to modify the Target Type of an existing custom field (see Modify an Existing Extra Field).
When you have displayed the Edit Field window, use the Pick Menu Prompt setting to add the extra pick action menu option and define the text for the option:
- Pick Menu Prompt—Use the Pick Menu Prompt field to define the text that is shown on the pick action menu for the link. You can enter any valid string. If you leave the Pick Menu Prompt field blank, there is no additional hyperlink option on the pick action menu for the source item.
- The pick menu will be available for the item on the Database Bar, Lists, and Mimics (if configured to do so).
When you have defined the Pick Menu Prompt setting, you can continue to define the other field settings as required.