You are here: System Administration > Server Administration > Extra Database Fields > Add an Extra Label

Add an Extra Label

The Metadata window allows you to add custom labels as well as custom fields. The term label is used to describe the text that is shown on Forms, typically next to a field. For example, if you have added an extra field that allows users to specify the location of a hardware device, you could also add an extra label called ‘Hardware Location’ to the Form.

Usually, custom labels are configured to be placed next to custom fields, but you can add custom labels to any part of a Form as required.

To add an extra label:

  1. Display the Metadata Window.
  2. Select the Labels tab.
  3. Select the Add button to create a new label.
    The Edit Label window is displayed.
  4. Use the Edit Label window to define the settings for the new custom label:
    • Label—Enter the text that will be shown in the label. The text that you define here is what will be shown on the relevant Forms.
    • Table—Choose the database table with which the label will be associated. The table you choose affects where the label is shown. For example, if you select the CDBPoint table, the custom label will be shown on Point Forms.
    • The tables that are available are exactly the same as the tables that are available when creating or modifying an extra field. For more information, see Choose the Database Table for an Extra Field.
    • Row and Column—Use to define where the label will be positioned on the relevant Forms.
    • Many custom labels are added to a tab on a Form (the type of Form is dependent on the selection you make in the Table field). To make the label visible, you should define its position (which is usually adjacent to a corresponding custom field).
    • The position of an extra label is defined by using the Row and Column settings. Each tab on a Form is divided into a grid of 20 columns and 100 rows (you cannot see the columns or rows). The columns are numbered 1-20 from left to right and the rows are numbered 1-100 from top to bottom. The Column setting determines the horizontal position of the label and the Row setting determines the vertical position of the label.
    • NOTE: When you define the position of a new label, you should check that the position is not already in use by another label or field. Each field and label requires a unique position.

  5. When you have defined the Column and Row, select the OK button to confirm your settings for the new label.
    The Edit Label window is closed and the label is added to the database and will be displayed in the defined location on the relevant Forms. However, if the defined location is already in use by an existing field or label, the label will not be visible as it will be obscured by the existing label or field. In this situation, you will need to edit the location of the custom label—see Modify an Extra Label.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2