You are here: System Administration > Server Administration > Historic and Archive Data > Server Administration Guide - Alarm Summary Storage Settings (Historic Configuration Settings)

Alarm Summary Storage Settings

The Historic Configuration branch of the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool includes an Alarm Summary entry. Use the Alarm Summary settings to define the duration, stream size, cache size and so on, for Alarm Summary data. Alarm Summary data comprises the alarm messages that are created and stored when alarms change state.

The Alarm Summary feature is disabled by default. This is because, when enabled, the feature can affect system resources - potentially, it can require as many resources as the Event Journal. Before you enable the Alarm Summary feature, you should consider whether you really need to have detailed alarm summary records. If you do, you will need to enable the feature.

You can use the Alarm Summary settings to:

To fully configure the server settings for the Alarm Summary, you should also configure the Alarm Summary Display Settings (Alarm Summary List).

Further Information

Define the Acceptable Limits for Historic Data Files

ClearSCADA 2015 R2