You are here: System Administration > Server Administration > Back up the Database > Back up the Server Settings

Back up the Server Settings

When you make a back up of your database, we also recommend you make a back up of the server’s settings which are stored in one or more registry keys. The registry keys contain information about the server’s set up and are needed to help avoid configuration mis-matches if your back up files are loaded on to another server.

To make a back up of the server’s settings, you need to export the registry key(s):

  1. In Windows, select Start, and then Run.
  2. At the prompt, enter:


  3. Select the OK button to display the Registry Editor.
  4. Browse to:


  5. Select the 'ClearSCADA' key in the tree-structure.
  6. Select the File menu, and then the Export option to display the Export Registry File window.
  7. Browse to the location at which you want to store the back up registry file.
  8. Enter a name for the back up registry file in the File name field and set the Save as type combo box to Registration Files (*.reg)
  9. In the Export Range section, select the Selected branch option button (if it is already selected, skip this step).
  10. Select Save to make a back up of the registry key.
  11. If you are using a 64 bit server, repeat steps 4-10 inclusive, only this time browse to the following key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA

    NOTE: 64 bit servers have two registry keys that need to be copied.

The back up files you have created will be used by Schneider Electric engineers if:

NOTE: ClearSCADA settings that include passwords, which are stored in the registry are encrypted. This affects the following features:

You can only decrypt them on the machine from which they were backed up. The following error message is displayed if you are restoring the registry settings on a different server:

This means that backing up the registry and then re-applying it to another machine requires you to recreate the security data, username, password and/or domain, in order to use the affected functions.

This is also true if windows is re-installed on the machine.

ATTENTION: Please seek advice from Schneider Electric before attempting to restore a back up of the settings (see Load your Backup Database Files). Changing the registry settings without expert guidance could have an unexpected effect on your system and could even stop a ClearSCADA server from running.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2