Bandwidth for Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
(Microsoft Remote Desktop Services was formerly known as Microsoft Terminal Services.)
For a ClearSCADA-Citrix/Remote Desktop Services system to work efficiently, high speed connections are required between the Citrix/Remote Desktop Services server(s) and the Citrix/Remote Desktop Services clients. This is because each Citrix/Remote Desktop Services server has to send graphics to its clients, and graphics are larger files and so take longer to transmit.
The amount of bandwidth required varies depending on whether you are using Citrix XenApp or Microsoft Remote Desktop Services. Our recommendations are:
- Citrix XenApp
- Minimum bandwidth: 2 Mbps bandwidth, 50 ms latency
- Recommended bandwidth: 100 Mbps bandwidth, 1 ms latency
- Microsoft Remote Desktop Services:
- Minimum bandwidth: 10 Mbps bandwidth, 20 ms latency
- Recommended bandwidth: 100 Mbps bandwidth, 1 ms latency.
Remember that the bandwidth recommendations stated above apply to the connections between either the:
- Remote Desktop Services server and the Remote Desktop Services clients
They do not apply to the connection between the Citrix/Remote Desktop Services server and the ClearSCADA server (as data is transferred via this connection, not graphics).
ATTENTION: If the bandwidth for the connection(s) is insufficient, the clients will be updated at inappropriately slow rates.