Communications Logging
Communications log files provide a record of communications between the drivers and the outstations and modems. They provide diagnostic information that can be used when investigating unexpected system activity.
There are 2 types of communications log file:
- IO log files—Provide a complete log of communications between a driver and the outstations/modem, including data that was discarded by the driver.
- Comms Log files—Provide a log of only the 'good' communications between a driver and the outstations/modem, filtering out any data that was discarded by the driver. The driver will discard data that is not a modem response or does not have the correct structure and checksum for the protocol.
Advanced drivers support both types of communication log. Simple drivers have a hybrid type of log file that are a combination of IO and communications—these hybrid types of log file are also referred to as 'comms logs'.
NOTE: If you contact Schneider Electric for assistance, you may be asked to create a communications log file.
There are separate log files for each channel. The names of the log files use the following format:
Driver<name> <port> <type>_<nnn>.log
- Driver <name> is the name of the driver
- <port> is the name of the port
- <type> is the type of log file (IO or Comms)
- <nnn> is a sequence number, such as 003.
For example, DriverSCADAPackModbus COM1 IO_001.log
To maximize system performance, you should only enable communications logging on a channel when required. You should leave communications logging disabled at other times.
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