You are here: System Administration > Server Administration > System Architectures > Configure a Lone Server

Configure a Lone Server

If your system uses a single server, you need to configure a lone server architecture as follows:

  1. Install ClearSCADA and the required drivers on the server.
  2. Restart the server (ClearSCADA runs as a service and will start when your server’s system starts up).
  3. When the server has been restarted, you will see a ClearSCADA server icon in the Windows taskbar. The ClearSCADA server icon is magenta if there is no database or blue if there is an existing database. If the ClearSCADA server icon is magenta, you will need to set up the client connections (see Welcome to the Client Administration Guide in the ClearSCADA Guide to Client Administration). If the icon is blue, you can right-click on the ClearSCADA server icon to display a context sensitive menu, and then select the Configuration option to display the Server Configuration Tool.
  4. Log on to the Server Configuration Tool if required and then access the System Configuration>Partners settings.
  5. Set the Type to Lone Server.
  6. Setup your ClearSCADA license:
    • If you have been issued with a dongle, insert the dongle into an available parallel port or USB port. The server will detect the License settings automatically.
    • If you are using a software license, check that the license file (ClearSCADA.lic) is stored in the required location:
    • (C:/Program Files/Schneider Electric/ClearSCADA/ClearSCADA.lic by default).
    • You can use Windows Explorer to check that your license file is stored in the correct location. If the license file is not in the correct location, use Windows Explorer to locate and move the file as required. s
    • You can use the License settings to view the current license information or change the location of the license file if required (see Server License Settings).
  7. Define the other server configuration settings as required. Please refer to Understanding the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool for information on the other server settings.
  8. Restart the ClearSCADA server to apply the configuration settings (see Start and Stop the System Server).
  9. Create a Blank Database.
  10. Setup User Groups and User accounts (see Welcome to the Security Guide in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security).
  11. Define the security settings for your database (see Allocating Security Permissions in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security).
  12. Setup the Archiving facility.
  13. Setup your system to Monitor the Available Disk Space.
  14. Familiarize yourself with channel logging and the Server Status Tool (see Working with the Server Status Tool in the ClearSCADA Guide to the Server Status Tool).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2