Define the Name of a Extra Field
You can define the name for the new field by using the Field Name setting on the Edit Field window (see Create or Modify an Extra Field). The name of the field is the name used to identify the field internally and is not shown on the Form. To add a text name for a field to a Form, you need to create a label for a new field (see Add an Extra Label).
To define the name of an extra field, you need to display the Edit Field window (see Add a New Extra Field or see Modify an Existing Extra Field).
When you have displayed the Edit Field window, you can define its name by using the Field Name setting:
- Field Name—Enter the name of the database field. The field name has to be:
- Different to the names of any fields already in the table that is to contain the database field
- Different to the names of fields in any ‘parent’ tables of the table that is to contain the database field (as the table that contains the database field will inherit fields from the ‘parent’ table)
- Different to the names of fields in any ‘child’ tables of the table that is to contain the database field (as a ‘child’ table will inherit fields from the table that contains the database field).
- The field name can consist of up to 19 alpha-numeric characters for drop-down list fields and link fields or up to 23 characters for the other types of field. We recommend that you create a name that is indicitive of the field’s purpose. To help future upgrades run as smoothly as possible, we also recommend that you define names that are not common terms in the product, such as Tag.
When you have defined the Field Name, you can continue to define the other field settings as required.