You are here: System Administration > Server Administration > Logging and Monitoring > Define the TCP/IP Port for Telnet Server

Define the TCP/IP Port for Telnet Server

Each Telnet server has it's own unique TCP/IP port that can either be dynamically allocated by the operating system or can be pre-defined:

The Telnet port number for each driver is defined on the Configuration tab of the Logging window that is available via the Modules display of the ClearSCADA Server Status Tool (see Driver Logging). It can also be defined via the registry settings (see Using a Registry Editor to Change Server Log File Settings).

For the ClearSCADA Server, the port that is currently assigned to the Telnet server is shown on the Information display of the ClearSCADA Server Status Tool. For drivers, the port number is shown in the Telnet Port column on the Modules display of the ClearSCADA Server Status Tool.

To define the Telnet port for server monitoring:

  1. Run the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool (see Accessing the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool).
  2. Log on (if required).
  3. Expand the required system and server
  4. Expand the System Configuration folder and then selecting the Logging option to display the Logging settings.
  5. In the Server section, enter the required port number in the Telnet Port field.
  6. Apply the changes to the server configuration by right-clicking on the system icon in the explorer section of the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool, and then selecting the Apply Changes option.

Alternatively, you can set the Telnet Port via the registry settings (see Using a Registry Editor to Change Server Log File Settings).

For other types of monitoring, you need to define the Telnet port via the registry settings (see Using a Registry Editor to Change Server Log File Settings).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2