Define where an Extra Field is Shown on Queries Lists
You can use the Edit Field window to define whether an extra field is included in Queries Lists, and if so, where its column is shown on the Lists. To do this, you need to display the Edit Field window (see Add a New Extra Field or see Modify an Existing Extra Field) and then use the List Priority setting:
- List Priority—Use the List Priority combo box to define whether the extra field is shown on Queries Lists, and if so, where its column is shown:
- Select None to stop the extra field from being shown on Queries Lists.
- Select High to add the field to Queries Lists. It will be shown as a column toward the left-hand side of the List, after the default columns that have high priority (the priority levels of the default fields that are shown on Lists are internal—you cannot alter their settings).
- Select Medium to add the field to Queries Lists. It will be shown as a column toward the middle of the List, to the right of the default columns and extra field columns that have high priority.
- Select Low to add the field to Queries Lists. It will be shown as a column toward the right of the List, to the right of the default columns and extra field columns that have medium priority.
When you have defined the List Priority, you can continue to define the other field settings as required.